Stratagems is a show about the strategies organizations used to create the modern world, broken down into actionable insights. Every episode looks at one organization and how it changed their industry and society. Previous episodes looked at the influence of Sears (early 1900s), Boeing (1960s) and Polaroid (1970s).

Subscribers join for different reasons but here’s a list of the most popular ones:

  • Learning insights for how to think about strategy differently

  • Deconstructing how the best companies (in history) execute their strategies

  • Deconstruct why the modern world works in a specific way

  • Learn more about a specific period in time

  • Go beyond simplistic answers around how the world works

My goal is to release six episodes per year. In-between episodes, I occasionally send short articles with insights from upcoming episodes. I also include bonus content for each episode including videos and relevant articles that I came across in my research.

The best way to know if this show is for you is by listening to any of the existing episodes. Here are three possibilities for your first listen.

I take several vacations throughout the year and you may see fewer posts during these times. I will always strive to give subscribers a heads up and what content will be available during those times.

If you have any questions or comments, you can reach me at

What qualifies me to do this?

I'm Ruben Ugarte and my day job is helping organizations use data to make better decisions.

  • Helped more than 90 organizations, across five continents

  • Worked across multiple industries including tech, retail, education, real estate and finance

  • Publish two commercially published books: Data Mirage and Bulletproof Decisions

  • My work occurs in three languages (Spanish, English and Italian)

  • Appeared in publications such CNN, Fox Business, AdWeek,, and NBC Telemundo

  • My ideas have helped hundreds of thousands of people over the past 10 years

  • Started my own company at 20 and sold the software a few years later

Books by RubenBooks by Ruben
Data Mirage & Bulletproof Decisions

Here’s a shortlist of the companies I have helped:

A bit more about me

There’s a longer bio in my website's about page if you want to dive deeper into who I am as a person. In the meantime, here are the highlights:

  • Born in San Pedro Sula, Honduras

  • Moved to Vancouver, Canada when I was 12

  • Started freelancing when I was 16 and my own tech startup at 20

  • Dropout out college to pursue business outside of academic circles

  • Spend the last 10 years diving deep into how organizations and leaders use data to inform their decisions

  • I love to read and one of my favorite book series is The Story of Civilization (all 11 volumes) by Will and Ariel Durant.

  • Own a 3-year old golden retriever who has a “job” as pet therapy.

The last bullet point is my favorite so I have to include a picture of Remy and I working. We visit a local hospital every week and he loves the attention and treats he gets.

I’m excited you’re here

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts and comments. I learn as much from all of you than you do from me.

Talk soon,


P.S. If you have any questions or comments, you can reach me at

Subscribe to Stratagems

A show about the strategies organizations used to create the modern world, broken down into actionable insights.


Ruben Ugarte is an expert in strategic decisions and the author of Bulletproof Decisions and the Data Mirage. He helps organizations make superior strategic decisions to boost performance, increase profitability, and elevate their thinking.